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Some reflection of what is going on in the world: Looking in the world and really opening my eyes to this the last years, I can only come to the conclusion that we as mankind only just left the trees (no offense to our ancestors ✌️). And we so often believe we have moved on. In falling for media brainwashing, starting heavy armed conflicts, living in non-eco-friendly ways... but also I see this every day on personal scale. The way we eat, spend our time with outward stimulus to distract ourselves from our core, the way we treat our fellow beings, the way we behave infront of our kids AND the way we live our relationships. Being in the field of partnership coaching now for over 11 years - believe me - I have gained the most intimate insights into what is happening in private. You won't believe it. And besides all the good intentions and wishful thinking - look at the shit we call love these days! We are f*cking up our relationships with mostly everything including ourselves. I'm taking myself in account there too. Then I have to remind myself of humility and patience. Patience towards humankind. On the other side I see so many glowing eyes and burning hearts. So many lightful intentions and golden visions. And so much brave- and boldness in people stretching beyond their triggers, patterns and trauma to live their virtues. I believe both is true! We've only just left the trees and it is frustrating as f*ck.

Aswell we have what it takes to transit into a world in which we can say, we walk our talk and follow our truths. A truth that comes from the heart. All we need for this is the courage for integrity. And accepting guidance in fields we are still lost in. We don't have to do this alone!

*********************** Photo: Olya Kobruseva


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers

within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi


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Bridging the gap

Learn to connect with others from a place of inner safety, pureness and authenticity.
Nikkilä Temple Finland

Registration pending!

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Evolutionary Relationship Coaching Training | Leipzig [Deutsch]

Professionelle Ausbildung in Bedürfnisorientierter Paartherapie & Trauma-sensiblem Beziehungscoaching | 2025/2026 | Leipzig

Jetzt bewerben!


Relational Laboratory

A brave space to explore your nervous system where you get to shift your patterns into new experiences.
12.&13.2024 October | Helsinki
Registration closed!

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Rouven is the best teacher of setting boundaries I ever had.

* Relational Laboratory Workshop Finland *


You carry strength and potential, buried through socialization, upbringing, impacts and experiences in a culture that shies away from true connection.

It is time to excavate your burning hearts truth and step into your integrity.

Thank you for submitting! I'll get back to you whithin the next days.

Dr. Rouven Schneider / Demmeringstr. 40 / DE-04177 Leipzig/Germany

© Dr. Rouven Schneider 2025. All rights reserved.

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