Bridging the gap
Connect from a place of inner safety, pureness and authenticity.

Bridging the Gap will be cancelled for this year!
Stay connected with me via INSTAGRAM to get all the latest news and developments about future events.
In this 5 day retreat you will have the opportunity to gently melt into your pureness and stay there with your widend heart while coming into connection with others from a place of genuine inner safety.
So many - if not all of us - have developed patterns and inner safety mechanisms that prevent us from deep and authentic connection with others - and therefor with ourselves, because we all carry the basic human need for belonging and being close to others.
This often leaves us frustrated!
We feel a gap between ourselves and others. We never really feel met or seen.
Most of us struggle with working ourselves out of these dynamics we initiate ourselves over and over again, although we might even be aware of them. Other reasons for a frustrating feeling of being stuck in a pattern might come from unconscious core-beliefs and shadow aspects of our identity.
Alone we are doomed with this!
This is why we need a held and brave space to slowly enable a sense of shared and inner safety to encounter our limiting strategies we so often identify with. We need each other to make new experiences and learn, that in some situations it might be safe to open up and be vulnerable.
Additionally we might learn to create these safe situations ourselves.
This 5 day retreat will give you the possibility and preconditions to BRIDGE THE GAP between your needs and your restrictive patterns - and therefor bridge the gap between your sincere impulses for connection and the other person.
This field will strongly emphasize on awareness, clarity and slowness, so we can all gently move out of our relational limitations.
I will take you on a journey that is composed to allow every step be taken from a sense of inner agreement and intrinsic opening.
We will move, dance and have somatic solo, partner and group exercises to stay embodied and reconnect over and over again with our physical selves and our clarity. Additionally we will take the possibility to often see and be seen in what is going on in us by the whole group.
We will build a supporting and trustful field enabling the committed work we will address.
The days will have an emphasis on exploring and experiencing patterns, beliefs, desires, impulses and needs as well as obstacles related to being authentic among others.
Through community sharings, embodiment practices, grief ritual and shadow work we will encounter insightful observations, emotional intimacy and play. A little conceptual context about our nervous system, trauma-awareness and the process of building an identity is added to not only make this event a feel-good oasis detached from your usual life but to give you the opportunity to make drastic changes and free yourself from relational limitations and beliefs.
Besides all that we will keep listening to what wants to come through spontaneously by the field of our community and stay flexible for the magic that wants to express itself through our beings, the land at Nikkilä and our souls.
We will gather daily after a long and nutritious breakfast, after a long lunch break and after a long dinner break.
This leaves us with 3 sessions per day filled with and focused on practical experiences. Especially the evening sessions will be devoted to group ceremony and ritual that will help you integrate the days.
The long breaks in between the sessions leave time for morning practice, connections, sleep, emotional integration, swim, sport and sauna on the wide and thriving properties of Nikkilä Temple.
- Want to deconstruct the barriers that keep you from genuinely meeting others.
- Long for clarity in your self-expression and an unapologetic but heartopen way of relating.
- Want to deepen the connection to yourself & your needs as a way to evolve your relationships.
- Have the urge to experience the power of intentional bonding.
- Have the willingness to practically work on the integration of your inner parts and shadows.
- Want to hack old and restricting relational patterns that keep you safe but lonely.
- Desire to take self-ownership for your reactional behavior and shadow impulses to step up in self-responsibility.
- Feel called to live according to your virtues and feel seen.
- Have the desire to claim your needs.
- Free yourself from stuck energy coming from past relational or individual experiences.
- Are ready to contribute to a new paradigm of relating that supports our cultural evolution.
- Want to increase beauty and grace in this world through your soulful expression.
- Are longing for expressing the unique shape of your heart through combining Love with Integrity.
- Long for feeling safe in a group.
- Desire to feel held and invited without the need to perform.
- Are willing to peek into the you behind your social conditioning.
- Feeling your boundaries as a way to be met and being encouraged to express them.
- Moving out of stuck or recurring relational patterns and make new relational experiences.
- Gaining trauma-awareness and nervous system knowledge theoretically and practically.
- Becoming able to self- and co-regulate your nervous system to not be a victim of your triggers anymore.
- Enabling self-love and compassion for your flaws, wants and desires.
- Learning practices & tools to enhance and foster connection in a practical way.
- Witnessing others with empathy as well as having the opportunity to be seen in your pureness.
- Co-creating a supportive community where we show up transparently and bond through sharing our struggles as well as our celebrations.
- Connecting with your desires and needs that give a deeper meaning to your existence.
- Envisioning and deeply resonating with a brighter vision for humankind.
- Learning to trust and follow your genuine intuition and impulses.
- Moving and letting go of stuck energy through grieving experiences that hold you back from unleashing the vital and vivid expression that you actually are.
- Finding your hearts truth and live accordingly.
- Being empowered to bring the full you by a supportive community.
- Having growing compassion with yourself and others.
- Daily dance and embodiment.
- And a lot more.
- Conscious communication exercises.
- Somatic exercises for genuine expression and to create deeper connection.
- Conscious group exercises to create a stable, supportive field.
- Finding the relational meeting point in intimacy and vulnerability.
- Fun connection games.
- Relational dance and Ritual Play.
- Communal ceremonies in the name of authenticity.
- Community circles and heart opening sharing.
- Grief rituals.
- Relational nervous system regulation and trauma awareness.
- Working with protective mechanisms, shadows and other internal components creating separation.
- Recognizing individual relational patterns as a way to understand yourself deeper.
- Intentional bonding and authentic relating practices.
- Understanding and engaging with your relational needs.
- Dance Waves and Ceremony.
- Communal Sauna.
- Lots of embodiment and community interaction.
- And many more.
Dr. Rouven Schneider (lead facilitator, Germany)
Noora Palokankare (lead assistant & coordinator, Finland)
plus 4 trained assistants
While continuously working through his behavioural patterns, relational trauma and partnership experiences, Love and Integrity appeared to be his biggest teachers.
Through his own biographical experience Rouven has developed into a relationship and intimacy artist.
Active in the coaching field for 13 years, he specialized in conscious partnership and alternative forms of relationship about 10 years ago and has now successfully accompanied far over 1.000 couples. He was the founder and CEO of the "Institute for Relationship Development" in Saarbrücken, where he developed the method of "needs-oriented couples therapy".
In the last 4 years Rouven has been focusing on bringing trauma sensitivity and somatic approaches into the field of relationship work and exploring the connection between the nervous system, needs, trauma, behavior patterns and upbringing in harmony with relationship and partnership. This is the basis for "Evolutionary Relationships" - a conscious and intentional way of using the field of relationships as an incubator for development as well as personal and socio-cultural growth.
He's currently based in Leipzig and works as a relational researcher, couple therapist and intimacy coach as well as giving workshops in the Nordics and training other therapists and coaches in his methodology, guiding the guides for 3 years now.
Rouven also is a passionate visionary, obsessed by the conviction that beauty and Love are the core components for solving the cultural dilemmas the world finds itself in. As a studied cultural anthropologist he sees the necessary change in society based on a development of its core cells - the couples and families. With this focus this evolution of culture is what Rouven is fostering through his being and work.
While passing on his perspectives, experiences and expertise he is noticed as "a guide of the guides, a teacher of teachers, a liver of life and an embodied expression of Love."
Read more.
This event is designed for individuals, no matter previous experience, relationship form, gender or age. It addresses and enriches your capacity to relate in romantic and general relationships but isn't solely to be considered a couples training. Yet, if you want to attend with your partner(s) you are highly welcome, keeping in mind that the training is focussed on your individual prerequisites and finding your individual genuine truth - which can be extra challenging but also rewarding when doing in the presence of your loved one.
Exercises will a some point require physical (non-se×ual) touch, but all of this from a trauma-informed, slow and genuine pace.
All exercises are an invitation.
The exercises won't contain complete nudity or se×uality.
The event will be held in English.
07.-11.05. 2025
Starting Wednesdays evening (drop in at 5pm) with dinner at 6pm and ending Sundays after lunch at 2pm which makes travelling possible.
Nikkilä Temple | Tampere | Finland
360 Köyräntie, 36340 Tohkala
You can reach Nikkilä from abroad quite good by plane to Helsinki and then further by train.
So this isn't just an invitation for locals.
This call goes out to everyone. We are holding this retreat at Nikkilä Temple so we can marinate within the powerful energy of this sacred place in the ever flowering time of the early finnsih spring.
Nikkilä Temple is located in beautiful and vibrant nature with a private access to lake and woods where we can contemplate, move, recharge and connect with the forces of nature to invite them into our personal and communal processes.
- We will gather with a group of max. 25 beings
- 4 nights accommodation in a shared (2-4 person) room with shared bathroom and showers
- 3 vegetarian/vegan meals per full day prepared by our chef (vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free as needed, allergies taken into account - please name food-preferences when signing up)
- Beautiful big private nature surroundings for silent-time, integration walks and sports
- Use of wooden sauna
- Bathing in natural lake
- Communal spaces and lounge area to connect in the free time
- Lots of space on the land for alone time and integration in the breaks
To make this event accessible for everyone and make it easier to come from abroad we offer you a price at our sliding scale:
Financially challenged: 340,- course plus 340,- food & accommodation = 680,-€
Financially stable: 550,- course plus 340,- food & accommodation = 890,-€
Financially abundant: 750,- course plus 340,- food & accommodation = 1.090,-€
Prices include VAT and healthy, freshly cooked food by our chef and accommodation for all 4 nights.
With a non-refundable deposit of 400,-€ your registration is made and your spot is secured.
The rest of the costs should be transferred before the start of the event.
Please don't hesitate to contact Noora if you need a payment plan - we will figure things out with you!
Sign up via email: noora.palokankare[at]
Or don't hesitate to direct your questions to our producer and coordinator Noora by phone +358404116393