The day before I returned to Leipzig after an almost 9 week long adventure.
I can honestly say that this time changed me fundamentally and brought clarity and maturity touching all profound aspects of my life.
It startet with 2 weeks in Sweden at the embodied intimacy summercamp, celebrating and support life in conscious community.
Then heading towards Finland meeting my expartner and spending wonderful time together showing ourselves that love can live on after breakup within a deep friendship.
Having the opportunity then to stretch in my facilitating skill infront if a huge dedicated audience at the Natural High Healing Festival in Finland, where I still receive so touching testimonials and impact descriptions.
Heading over to Sweden to meet a fresh evolving Love that deepened through transparency and acknowledging each others boundaries.
Then picking up my smaller kids and spending a week with them at my Moms at the Baltic Sea, also celebrating the 16th birthday of my oldest son (now I feel old! 🤪).
Then moving on with the kids again to spend a week with my beloved and her daughter swimming Swedish lakes and roaming the woods.
After that the kids and me went on a roadtrip completely crossing Germany north to south in three days, sleeping somewhere in the woods - what an adventure for the little ones.
Just to head to the Switzerland Alps to attend and facilitate at the first embodied intimacy festival where I was given the opportunity to heal all my scatteredness into just being while merging my role of friend, coach, facilitator, lover, father and man. What an experience!
The special thing about all of this is that I dropped old patterns and surrendered into doing things new - without agenda but with surrender. And what can I say?
So all my adventures in the last weeks make me feel immensely blessed! 🙏
Blessed with new business stretches, new awareness about what I can achieve when I use my energy for myself, blessed with people who see me and appreciate me, with së×y connections and intimate encounters, with people I love and that love me, blessed with a beloved I honour so much for her integrity and power, blessed with a new and clearer perspective on my expertise, with new contacts and people I want to co-create with all over Europe, blessed with new practices and tools I incorporate into my work, with connecting deeper to my mother...
...and most of all blessed with the awareness of having so wonderful and special kids with which I was able to spend so much time deepening the bond for a lifetime.
So I think I squeezed all juice out of this summer or better said: life granted me abundance on all levels.
I'm humble and grateful for these experiences.
Still in overwhelm my creativity and passion for my work isn't sitting still!
I want to show you the new!
I want to work, play and spend time with you! 🤩
Photo: Private