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'An embodied expression of Love'


'You are the change you want to see in the world' - heard about it many times, right?


Ever wondered, why it's so hard?
Without integrity, however, every knowledge, every spiritual awakening and every visionary private or social effort is just


It all ends with your integrity ... or it starts right here!


For as long as I can remember, I myself was looking for connection and universal fulfillment in my relationships.

First with mom, then with girls, in sports, then with women, my peers, at university, in my career ... I looked for my stability in the outside world. After more than four decades and various relationship structures (patchwork, long-distance relationships, monogamy, polyamory, single parenting, marriage...), co-dependencies that have been hidden for many years, toxic structures and certainly very inglorious and extremely unpleasant experiences, I was forced to experience that it takes courage to be authentic and radical honesty towards oneself in order to take responsibility for one's own life.


The acceptance of and surrender to external change - basically just life - is a necessary consequence of this responsibility.

I realized painfully first hand that - if I don't want to continuously run around creating relationbal mess, hurt and leave a path of emotional devastation behind me - I need an inner basis and positioning in order to find real stability and fulfillment in life and thus also in external relationships. This basis is what I call Integrity.


I have spent my life so far in the constant repetition of an old, traumatic experience of isolation and separation. I was blessed to learn that connection is the key to a thriving, fulfilling, powerful and happy life.

Above all: the connection with myself!
With my values, beliefs and truths, my feeling and my intuition.

Second the connection with loved ones, people around me, communities and nature, as well as all creatures in it. By this I realized what it really means to be connected and empathic with everything.

Last but not least the connection with my body and its abilities and needs, not least my sexuality and my ecstatic power.
Through embodiment I was able to learn to use the moment as anchor and safe harbor for my nervous system, to express my strength and vitality creatively, and to rediscover my unmistakable inner compass.

I am grateful for these lessons which basically keep forming my life and what I have to offer the world!


My purpose is to help others to connect their seemingly as contradictory expierienced worlds. To manage the split between the seemingly contradictory needs for autonomy and connection. Our culture in a whole forgot how to connect these driving forces in us - the root cause for relational trauma and fucked up beliefs about relationships and Love.


It is my mission to teach and guide you towards evolutionary relating - to combine Love with Integrity.

I accompany you with heart, mind and hand with deep dedication in your inner and interpersonal relationships.

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